Damian Lazarevski

Web Developer

I am a web developer that is based in Melbourne, Australia. I work with HTML, CSS (SASS), JavaScript and and other tools such as VueJS, ReactJS, jQuery, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and Bootstrap.

I'm always looking for websites to work on so feel free to contact me if you are looking for one, I'd love for us to work together.



MovieDatabase is a web app that allows you to search for any movie and find information on that specific movie. I made it using NodeJS and the OMDB API.



WeatherSearch is a web app which allows you to search for any place in the world and gives you specific weather for that location. I made it using NodeJS and a Weather API.

Need a website?

If you are in need of a website or are interested in finding out more, lets get in touch. I am always looking for work and am happy to take on any challenge.